Friday, April 07, 2006


Some time in the night, the monkey comes to us all....

Been a long time 'tween posts. Hope y'all haven't given up on us (by y'all I mean both of you, thanks.)

K is in town so the reunion of the century is on the cards for tonight.

Unfortunately I have what's called in the trade "garbled test-frenzy" and so can be found drooling and muttering (no, it's a question of LEGITIMACY, I shriek) and wandering with glazed eyes. So the reunion of the century that is presently on the cards will end up being on the tiles and I can't wait. Only dreading the appearance of that damn monkey....

J xo


Blogger kenandjerry said...

ah the resemblance was uncanny, except I am a wee bit short on diaphanous gowns (damnit!). My hair is that colur though, the chicky not the monkey.

K was the monkey.

J xo

1:14 PM  

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